Elevating Cash Flow with Expertise and Technology
Navigating the complexities of Workers' Compensation claims can be bogged down by labor-intensive, manual processes and specific payer intricacies, resulting in underpayments and delayed reimbursement. At UHS, we stand out with our Center of Excellence for Complex Claims, merging profound industry expertise, leading-edge technology, and tailored services to transform your Workers' Compensation revenue cycle.
Our approach guarantees contract compliance and maximizes revenue. Boasting a distinguished track record and armed with a detailed, state-specific rules engine, we drastically reduce overhead costs, enhance first-pass rates, shorten payment turnaround times, and boost cash flow. Choose UHS for more efficient operations and a stronger financial outlook.

How It Works
Send your ANSI X-12 837 Complex Workers’ Compensation claims with attachments to UHS via any claims clearinghouse and receive an ANSI X-12 835-remittance file that can seamlessly be auto-posted to any Electronic Medical Record or billing system. We customize the implementation process and ongoing collaboration based on customer preferences, instilling confidence in our revenue cycle management services.
The UHS offering includes an Early Out bad debt product and a complete End-to-end Revenue Cycle Management solution.
Key features include the following:
- Eligibility Verification
- Benefit Determination
- Prior Authorization
- Billing
- Contract Compliance
- Accounts Receivable Follow Up
- Denial Management
- Payer/Employer Financial Engagement
- Cash Management – ANSI X-12 835 & ACH Payments